


The exchange of information and ideas with like-minded journalists and communication professionals.

Issuing Awards

IBMA administers awards to recognize extraordinary levels of achievement in service to the sport as well as superior performance on the lanes. Awards include: World Bowling Hall of Fame (formerly the World Bowling Writers HoF); Male & Female Bowler of the Year; Male & Female Senior Bowler of the Year; Male & Female College Bowler of the Year; Kegel Bowler of the Month; Chuck Pezzano Media Scholarship; Luby Hall of Fame Award; Alberta Crowe Meritorious Service Award; Hennessy Award of Merit. As a member you are encouraged to provide input to the nominating committee.

Member only discounts

  • Discounted registration for Bowl Expo (BPAA Member Rate)

Member Exclusives

  • New members receive an IBMA Lapel Pin
  • Members receive industry-wide press releases
  • All members may attend the IBMA Annual Membership Meeting
  • Members may attend any IBMA Board meeting
  • All members have voting rights at meetings
  • Access to the IBMA “Members Only” section of the website
  • Access to Member Roster


Mission Statement – to be bowling’s source of excellence in the gathering and distribution of news and information through multiple media platforms, as well as to encourage the pursuit of bowling media as a full or part-time career.

Vision Statement – The IBMA is an organization that is beneficial to the industry as it disseminates information to a world-wide bowling media, encourages bowling media as a career choice for younger bowlers, and provides updates on technology.

History – The Bowling Writers Association of America (BWAA) was founded in 1934 by 16 charter members in Peoria, Ill. BWAA merged with the National Women Bowling Writers in 2006 and became the International Bowling Media Association (IBMA) in 2011. IBMA merged with the World Bowling Writers in 2012. We subscribe to the highest ideals in communicating the word of bowling throughout the world; are dedicated to enhancing writing, broadcasting and photographic skills; and actively promote the free exchange of ideas and information. IBMA represents hundreds of professional and amateur bowling writers, authors, photographers, graphic artists, cartoonists, illustrators and internet writers. As a media member or industry partner, we invite you to become a member of the world’s most preeminent bowling media organization.


Student - Membership is open to any college student, 25 years or younger, with a major in journalism / communications, or a related field. Applicants must provide copy of student identification card yearly. Students applying for membership must show their school ID and proof of DOB. Annual dues are FREE.

Individual Media - Membership is for individuals who are engaged in bowling media as either a professional or amateur. Annual dues are $30.00.

Corporate - Membership is open to any industry company wishing to support IBMA as a corporate partner. Corporate members shall receive recognition on the IBMA website, Facebook Page and on Twitter. Corporate membership entitles you to send press release information to our network of bowling media on an unlimited basis; vote on all the awards issued by IBMA; nominate candidates and assign your marketing and media staff as members. Annual dues are $250.00.


Application for membership must be fully completed and submitted to IBMA along with two recent samples of the applicant's work. The applicant also is required to submit one year's dues payment. IBMA membership is good for one year, on a calendar year basis (Jan. 1-Dec. 31).

View Membership Application (requires free Adobe Reader software; Download Adobe Reader). 

Complete application and mail with samples and payment to:
IBMA Administrative Director
International Bowling Media Association
404 Ridge Road
Mahomet, IL  61853